Be an Angel e.V. 11 Jahre Erfahrung

If you’re reading this, you are damned well off.

Support Be an Angel: With donations — or advice and action.

Donate money

We gua­ran­tee 100% use of the dona­ti­ons for the acti­vi­ties of the asso­cia­ti­on. Our account details are:

Be an Angel e.V. Account 014 522 59 00 Bank code 100 708 48 (Deut­sche Bank)
IBAN DE37100708480145225900 BIC DEUTDEDB110

If you would like a dona­ti­on receipt, plea­se let us know your pos­tal address so that we can send you a dona­ti­on receipt — even if it is only pro­of that your dona­ti­on has been recei­ved and used for the desi­red pur­po­se. Plea­se under­stand that we only issue a dona­ti­on receipt for an amount of 50 EUR or more.

Advice and action

You want to actively lend a hand. For a few hours a week? Just as vol­un­tee­ring fits into your life? Gre­at! We are curr­ent­ly loo­king for:

1) for accompanying refugees on visits to the authorities

Peo­p­le with orga­niza­tio­nal skills, equ­ani­mi­ty, basic opti­mism, diplo­ma­tic skills and per­se­ver­ance. Becau­se you need that.

2) for organizing fundraising events

Peo­p­le who sup­port us inde­pendent­ly with plan­ning, orga­niza­ti­on and implementation.

3) for the Be an Angel editorial team

Peo­p­le who want to wri­te and report for Be an Angel: about our acti­vi­ties, about best prac­ti­ce examp­les from “appli­ed refu­gee aid” of other initia­ti­ves, about col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons and expe­ri­en­ces and pro­jects of refu­gees. (Other edi­to­ri­al for­mats welcome!)

4) for press work

Peo­p­le who are expe­ri­en­ced and moti­va­ted to place topics in the edi­to­ri­al offices of this repu­blic (and glad­ly also bey­ond). With ver­ve, sen­se of style and perseverance.

5) for marketing Be an Angel’s activities (online)

Peo­p­le who have a serious know­ledge of Word­Press and search engi­ne opti­miza­ti­on and want to help us to be found sen­si­bly on the Internet.

We look forward to your feedback at

In addi­ti­on, we would like to refer you to the very good online plat­form for advice and action. Vol­un­teers across Ger­ma­ny can regis­ter here to offer their help in pro­jects and initia­ti­ves on site.

Donations in kind

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, Be an Angel can­not accept, store or dis­tri­bu­te dona­ti­ons in kind.

Be an Angel — our project in Athens

Morteza & Son (30, 5) 

Mor­te­za came to Greece with his wife and young child in March 2018 on the island of Les­bos after fle­e­ing the Syri­an civil war. More than three years later, they still haven’t made it to the end of the asyl­um pro­ce­du­re. For­t­u­na­te­ly, the mother was able to make it to Ger­ma­ny, but the plan to reu­ni­te the fami­ly fai­led and Mor­te­za is stuck in a camp out­side Athens with his young son, who grew up the­re and who suf­fers from autism and epi­le­psy. In his pre­vious life in Syria, Mor­te­za was a rela­tively suc­cessful soc­cer play­er. Now that they are no lon­ger recei­ving any sup­port from the Greek govern­ment, we must inter­ve­ne to pre­vent them from beco­ming home­l­ess until they recei­ve all the docu­ments and can lea­ve Greece and start their lives. They are expec­ted to be kicked out of camp soon and the expen­ses will main­ly be used to cover their housing, basic living expen­ses (e.g. gro­ce­ries) and medi­ca­ti­on for the child’s conditions.

Month­ly charges:

  • 260 EUR — accom­mo­da­ti­on (1 room in an apartment)
  • 300 EUR — food, medi­ci­ne, trans­port, clothing

Fereshteh & daughter (23, 5)

Fereshteh and her litt­le daugh­ter came to Greece from Afgha­ni­stan in 2018, whe­re the cur­rent covera­ge of the Tali­ban and life the­re reminds us why many peo­p­le are fle­e­ing. From one dire situa­ti­on to some­thing bet­ter, this sin­gle fami­ly faced the pro­s­pect of home­l­ess­ness if Be an Angel had­n’t star­ted ren­ting an apart­ment to house them. It’s hard to under­stand how a young mother and young child can defy such a sce­na­rio when the child has can­cer like this one. Sin­ce sup­port­ing them, we have used our net­work in Greece to ensu­re that the child recei­ves prio­ri­ty tre­at­ment as they have been denied ade­qua­te medi­cal tre­at­ment for months. Her con­di­ti­on is impro­ving, but the situa­ti­on has not chan­ged. Sin­ce they have been reco­gni­zed as refu­gees and sub­se­quent­ly cut off from social sup­port, they still do not have access to lan­guage cour­ses, a work per­mit or any other step that could pro­vi­de them with a chan­ce for ade­qua­te inte­gra­ti­on, find a job or even start a life the­re . The father who arri­ved in Greece with them is busy else­whe­re with his own pro­blems, of which the­re are many. The fami­ly is extre­me­ly at risk, which means fewer cases requi­re more of the sta­ble housing that Be an Angel can offer them. In addi­ti­on to accom­mo­da­ti­on cos­ts, we sup­port their basic living cos­ts, medi­ca­ti­on / medi­cal tre­at­ment, and trans­por­ta­ti­on to and from hos­pi­tal for chemotherapy.

Month­ly charges:

  • 265 EUR — accom­mo­da­ti­on (1 room in an apartment)
  • 300 EUR — food, trans­port, clothing

Atefa & 2 daughters (27, 7, 5)

This young fami­ly also came to Greece from Afgha­ni­stan in 2019. They have recei­ved their IDs and are only wai­ting for the children’s pass­ports befo­re they can final­ly draw the curtain on the asyl­um pro­ce­du­re in Greece. Howe­ver, due to the inef­fi­ci­en­cy and con­ge­sted bureau­cra­cy in Greece, this could still take seve­ral months. As this fami­ly is about to begin a new chap­ter in their lives, it is cru­cial that we can con­ti­nue to sup­port them until then. After that, they will slow­ly find their steps towards inde­pen­dence, be it in Greece or else­whe­re. As with all fami­lies we sup­port, the goal is to enable them to be inde­pen­dent and to give them the sup­port to reach a point whe­re they can say “I don’t need you any­mo­re”. The cos­ts here allow us to place this fami­ly in an apart­ment with the other fami­ly men­tio­ned abo­ve (see Fereshteh) to cover the basic cos­ts for two young child­ren (main­ly clo­thes and food as they are con­stant­ly gro­wing and get­ting hun­gry which they then grows again!) as well as basic aller­gy medi­ca­ti­on and trans­port through the city to appoint­ments. Atefa’s brot­her lives in Frank­furt, whe­re they want to move as quick­ly as possible.

Month­ly charges:

  • 265 EUR — accom­mo­da­ti­on (1 room in an apartment)
  • 300 EUR — food, medi­ci­ne, transport

Zarmina family (24, 58, 6, 5, 3, 6 months)

Ano­ther young sin­gle parent fami­ly, but this mother has her own mother who helps out the­re. This lar­ge fami­ly lives in a small apart­ment in Athens. They were pre­vious­ly sup­port­ed by ano­ther orga­niza­ti­on, which stop­ped their sup­port three months ago for finan­cial reasons. The fami­ly is now three months in arre­ars, we are try­ing to nego­tia­te with the land­lord or move the fami­ly to ano­ther apart­ment. For­t­u­na­te­ly, they have alre­a­dy recei­ved most of their docu­ments, only the grand­mo­ther and the youn­gest baby are wai­ting for pass­ports. The fami­ly is plan­ning to move to a place whe­re they can have a good start in life, per­haps to Germany.

Month­ly charges:

  • 500 EUR — accommodation
  • EUR 300 — groceries
  • One-time cos­ts:
    350 EUR — pass­port fees

Al Mahoud family (30, 36, 62, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12)

Here is ano­ther young fami­ly who is about to be able to lea­ve Greece to join their lar­ger fami­ly in Ger­ma­ny, which we also sup­port­ed in Greece until they could lea­ve the coun­try. The par­ents of the six child­ren were unfort­u­na­te vic­tims of the Syri­an civil war and left the child­ren in the care of their two uncles and their grand­mo­ther. Tra­gi­cal­ly, the place the fami­ly lived in bur­ned down last month and we were able to pro­vi­de them with tem­po­ra­ry accom­mo­da­ti­on, which is nowhe­re near lar­ge enough for the num­ber of peo­p­le. We bro­ke­red accom­mo­da­ti­on from Sep­tem­ber so that we can con­ti­nue to sup­port this fami­ly as they near the end of the asyl­um pro­ce­du­re. Simi­lar to the fami­lies men­tio­ned abo­ve, they are only wai­ting for their pass­ports so that they can move to the EU to live with their families.

Month­ly charges:

  • 500 EUR — Gene­ral sup­port (food, medi­ci­ne, trans­por­ta­ti­on, clothing)
  • One-time cos­ts:
    EUR 500 documents

‘Men At Work’ (28, 26, 29, 25)

Final­ly a smi­le! In addi­ti­on to the apart­ment in Athens that Be rents to Angel for Fereshteh and Ate­fa (see abo­ve), we rent ano­ther apart­ment in which 4 young men (one not shown) live in their twen­ties. The abili­ty of the­se guys to hold their own in a coun­try whe­re jobs are few and far bet­ween, even for tho­se who were born the­re, is tru­ly impres­si­ve. We only sup­port them by offe­ring them accom­mo­da­ti­on, other­wi­se they will find their own way. From doing odd jobs on con­s­truc­tion sites, car washes (some­ti­mes in ano­ther city) and car­pen­try, the­se men always find a way to find their way around. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, despi­te their per­sis­tent deter­mi­na­ti­on, it would not be enough if we could not offer them simp­le and sta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on. After ren­ting an apart­ment sin­ce March of this year, we are plan­ning to extend the con­tract for a fur­ther six months. This gives the­se guys the chan­ce to con­ti­nue to find a job they can during the asyl­um pro­cess, and gives other young men a place in case one of the cur­rent ten­ants has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to move else­whe­re or be able to (ear­lier ones much more likely than the lat­ter, for exam­p­le a for­mer ten­ant recei­ved his pass­ports and made it to France, whe­re he could be with his fami­ly again).

Month­ly charges: 

  • EUR 550 — accom­mo­da­ti­on (2‑room apartment)

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