Ukraine — avert the impending famine

Dr. Medi­men­tum
With your dona­ti­ons we deli­ver food to Kyiv.  Sup­port Ukrai­ne now and send food to those […]

Educational advice in the event of separation of the parents

Axel Schmidt
1. Initi­al situa­ti­on Sepa­ra­ti­on and divorce from par­ents place high demands on tho­se invol­ved and […]

Preparation of the report

Axel Schmidt
1. Initi­al situa­ti­on In order to prepa­re an expert report, we offer you to prepare […]

Legal and human science review of expert reports for the family court

Axel Schmidt
1. Initi­al situa­ti­on Sin­ce the­re are no legal­ly bin­ding qua­li­ty requi­re­ments for experts on the […]

Creation of decision and development-oriented reports and diagnostics for the family court

Axel Schmidt
1. Are­as — sel­ec­tion Ques­ti­ons about paren­tal care in the event of sepa­ra­ti­on and divorce […]

Dr. Axel Schmidt

Mar­kus Höfels
Erzie­hungs­be­ra­tungEs gibt unter­schied­li­che Ange­bo­te der Erzie­hungs­be­ra­tung zur Stär­kung der Erzie­hungs­ver­ant­wor­tung von Eltern in unter­schied­li­chen Lebenslagen […]

Dr. Axel Schmidt

Axel Schmidt
Erzie­hungs­be­ra­tungEs gibt unter­schied­li­che Ange­bo­te der Erzie­hungs­be­ra­tung zur Stär­kung der Erzie­hungs­ver­ant­wor­tung von Eltern in unter­schied­li­chen Lebenslagen […]